

Re-connect & come home to yourself

Slow down


A creative re-wilding & remembering for the body, mind and soul

Upcoming Events

The Wild Artist


A creative re-wilding and nature immersion for you to nurture and re-connect to the original spring of your Art.

on the Cornish coast, UK

Friday 14th - Sunday 16th March 2025

Read more and Booking

Past Events

Solstice Samothrace

a holistic festival on a greek island 

by Venus and the Fire

Sunday 16th - Friday 21st June 2024 

A six day mini-festival of holistic workshops and offerings circling the Solstice on a Greek island.


more info

The Authentic Artist

a holistic approach to the art of auditioning

10th-12th May 2024

Cannes, France

The Authentic Artist is a somatic and experiential workshop for you to explore the connection with the original spring of your art.  A holistic and philosophical approach to the foundations of auditioning.  Rooting you back to truth and the authentic nature of your artist self.

Casting Circle Special: Institute for Acting Mallorca.

Wild Island Retreat

a love letter from nature

On a remote wild island in Greece

Sunday 18th - Saturday 24th June 2023

Join me for a week-long nature immersion across the Summer Solstice on a magical island in Greece.


more info


"Rose is a weaver of soft, shamanic and tender places. She transmits the deeply wild feminine current with full force but in the container of her enourmous heart it all becomes safe, exquisite and transformatively healing medicine. I know few people who are bold enough, raw enough, honest enough to visit the most challenging corners of humanness and bring back such nourishing medicine of empathy and holding for the benefit of others. You can trust her to be gentle with your heart. Always."

Tiina  ~ Solstice Samothrace 2024

"I was fortunate enough to spend time on the untouched Greek island of Samothraki in 2023 on Roses’ summer solstice retreat.

I was in awe of how in tune Rose was with her intuitive nature and her trust to be in the art of flow. This was demonstrated in the retreat schedule whereby there was time and space for the mysteries of the island to unfold naturally. This left me feeling unbelievably excited to see what magic would be revealed as we went from one day to the next.

Her grounded yet loving presence weaved its way throughout the tapestry of the retreat resulting in a container that felt not only held but incredibly nurturing.

The sense of joy and ease I felt whilst being on retreat with Rose is a testament to the spaces that she holds.

It was nothing short of magic and Samothraki will forever be a place that stole my heart."

Frances ~ The Wild Island Retreat 2023

"What I remember most clearly from the womb journey, was the overwhelming sensation of softness and safety i felt afterwards, like i had found a lush garden inside of myself that had been long forgotten.
To realise i was capable of feeling this sense of safety so deeply in my body was such a joy and a relief because it taught me i carry this safe place inside of me and can reconnect with it regularly no matter what is happening around me.

The journey allowed my body to start gently moving out of stress and survival mode and into my own centered, grounded self.
Thanks rose."

Saleen ~ Womb Journey 2023

"Rose organised an amazing mini-festival for all kinds of healing practices - relaxed, professional and totally committed, it really was very impressive - such a lovely person!"

Max ~ Solstice Samothrace 2024